
Showing posts from June, 2024

Exploring Evernote

 Welcome back fellow explorers!  Today we are going to explore Evernote! Before we get into what exactly Evernote is, I want to ask you to think about something. What is your organization style like? What types of systems do you use to keep track of and accomplish tasks? How do you prioritize your work?  If you were to ask me, I would say that I am BIG on visualization and physical documentation. For me, I really like to write down all of the things I need to know, need to remember, and need to get done. So, I tend to use a lot of tools to help me in accomplishing my work. I use Google Calendars, I use a to do list, I use sticky notes, and I use my whiteboard. And while this might sound like a lot, honestly, I love it! I can feel confident that I am not forgetting anything and I can feel organized and prepared! Also, did you know that just the action of crossing something off of your to-do list actually provides your brain a hit of dopamine? Simply keeping track of your accomplishments

Exploring ChatGPT

 Welcome back fellow explorers,  This week we dive into the world of AI! Specifically, chatbots. My experience with chatbots is fairly new, but I tend to use ChatGPT because this is the one that I was first introduced to, and my introduction was fairly recent.  Let's start from the beginning! When I say the beginning, I mean back about 24 years ago when I was just 4 years old. One day, my dad was trying to figure out how to work the remote to the TV. He just couldn't figure it out and couldn't find the right button to press. Then, 4-year-old me walks over to him, grabs the remote, and pulls down a hidden panel on the remote that revealled a slew of buttons and controls! Just the ones he was looking for! From then on, I was the technology genius in my family. Everyone thought I was just so advanced. I could hook up computers, troubleshoot television issues, and much more. I must say, my family is not necessarily a tech-savvy family, but still, I thought myself to be quite c

Exploring Screencastify

 Hi everyone, and welcome back to my blog! Today I will be discussing one of my favorite tech tools, Screencastify! Now, when I discuss this technology, it might seem pretty simple, but the impact and possibilities are endless! Screencastify is a free extension that can be added onto your Google Chrome browser. It lets people record on their computer and share and edit those videos! It has the ability to record videos through the webcam and it can record the computer screen. Additionally, it can record a computer sceen with audio as well as with webcam video so that a person can be sharing their screen while also showing their face and talking! So, pretty straight-forward, right? Then, why do I think this is such a wonderful learning tool? Well, let's talk a little bit of how it can be used for teaching and/or learning! Let's get one thing straight,  Screencastify is awesome is because it is so adaptable and can fit into a variety of settings. People young and old can use this