Exploring Evernote

 Welcome back fellow explorers! 

Today we are going to explore Evernote! Before we get into what exactly Evernote is, I want to ask you to think about something. What is your organization style like? What types of systems do you use to keep track of and accomplish tasks? How do you prioritize your work? 

If you were to ask me, I would say that I am BIG on visualization and physical documentation. For me, I really like to write down all of the things I need to know, need to remember, and need to get done. So, I tend to use a lot of tools to help me in accomplishing my work. I use Google Calendars, I use a to do list, I use sticky notes, and I use my whiteboard. And while this might sound like a lot, honestly, I love it! I can feel confident that I am not forgetting anything and I can feel organized and prepared! Also, did you know that just the action of crossing something off of your to-do list actually provides your brain a hit of dopamine? Simply keeping track of your accomplishments is a great way to support positive reinforcement for whatever work you are doing-- whether that be school work, parenting, house work, or work at your job. 

Anyway, just a couple of weeks ago, I began a new job that requires me to learn a lot of new things. I will be an advisor, and so I need to meet new people, learn new systems, learn new software, learn plans of study, learn coursework, etc. etc. etc. While I am up to the task of all of this learning, you better believe that I have gone through almost an entire post-it booklet, I have pages upon pages of notebook notes, and I have been setting tasks in my calendar like crazy. 

Now, here's where Evernote comes in. I have been fortunate enough that the latest assignment to learn a new tech tool also aligns with my starting a new job. How wonderful that I have been able to come across such a wonderful at the most opportune time. As soon as I read the brief description of Evernote, I said to myself, "I have to have that!" So without further ado, a little introduction of Evernote. 

According to a product director of Evernote, it is a tool that is basically supposed to act as your "second brain." In Evernote, a user can keep their calendar, create tasks, create notes, start to-do lists, project planning, upload and store files, etc. This tool is, essentially, all of the tools I mentioned before, but they are all in one, convenient, online place. Evernote seems to be a simple and intuitive tool as the structure and prompts allow users to easily navigate functions. 

What I really appreciate about Evernote, is its ability to connect with other applications, such as Google. As many organizations do, my workplace utilizes Google Calendars for events, meetings, tasks, etc. Thankfully, Evernote can connect its calendar with your Google Calendar and integrate all of the information into its platform for seamless use. Speaking of calendars, as an advisor, I am consistently needing to have certain documents readily available for me at the start of each of my meetings. Locating and preparing these files can take a while, but with Evernote, everything is ready to go since everything is all in one spot! This is a great function and one that would be useful for many job positions. 

Furthermore, its a great idea to take your Evernote into meetings! Type out your meeting notes and while you're at it, create a post-it or two. Also, feel free to add in any attachment you like. Also, find templates for notes and project management that are already pre-set for whatever situation you are trying to facilitate! Whether you need a party planning checklist, or you're looking to track money spending, there is a template for your purpose. 

Besides using this tool at work, I plan to use Evernote to help me plan a trip I am taking! In August I get to go to Greece with my husband, and my sister-in-law and her husband. With the sharing function, I can share whatever I need to with everyone who is going on the trip with me! I plan on uploading all of our plane ticket information, our airbnb information, and our transportation info. Also, with Evernote, the users can set reminders! And oh boy, on such a long flight, I am going to need a reminder every now and then to get up and stretch my legs :) As you can see, Evernote is a highly effective way to keep yourself the most organized, the most prepared, and the most happy! With all of the extra time you'll have on your hands, you'll be dancing through the halls and maybe getting in an extra coffee break or two! 

Thanks for joining and exploring with me :)

-The Tech Explorer


  1. I'm so glad you liked Evernote. I enjoyed learning about it and sharing it with the class. I have a lot of work projects to complete this summer as well as personal projects. I'm definitely using it this summer and future semesters.


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